It has been a long time since I discovered this recipe in a spanish forum called Mundorecetas (the recipe was added by ferrandisgemma), but until this week I didn't have the opportunity and time to test it. As you can see at the photos the recipe is simple, but pretty well-looking, delicious and the coating is light and delicate. Bon appetit!
Prawns (peeled! ;) as bigger as possible
Colored prawn crackers (dehydrated)
Sunflower oil
preparationSeparate the crackers by colors, crush them as much as possible (normally I use the handle of a rolling pin as if it were a hammer) and then use a food processor to turn them into a powder as thin as possible. Moist the prawns in the oil, prick them with the skewers, coat them in the cracker powder and fry them in a small frying pan with olive oil until the cracker powder grows, then put the prawns a couple of minutes on a paper towel to dry out. Remember to prepare everything before start frying because the cracker powder just needs a minute to be ready and only a second to burn! Serve cute and devour hot!
You can marinate the prawns in oil with your favourite herbs and serve with many different sauces: mayonnaise, soya, thousand island dressing, curry, etc.
alternatives Substitute the sunflower oil with sesame oil, the taste will improve. Remember not using olive oil for this recipe, it's too dense and sticks to the prawns too much.
- Gabby said...
16/11/10 06:17Good stuff here. I've been enjoying what I've been reading!- Ariel said...
13/12/10 05:44Good stuff here. Happy holidays to your and all your blog readers!- Dragonfruit Mag said...
13/7/13 20:02Esto habrá que probarlo, una idea muy pintona para fiestas. Aunque habrá que ir con mano muy fina a la hora de freír