Italian pasta is one of the greatest foods in occidental kitchens. Pasta is easy and fast to cook, delicious and nourishing, but is surprisingly high the many people who don’t get the best from it. There’s life beyond bolognese sauce (in my case I do it with my homemade tomato sauce), where you can find fresh cheese and tomatoes, olive oil, mushrooms, zucchini, orange sauce, and so on towards infinity... and, of course, a wonderful classic: salsa carbonara (video-recipe in Videojug).

In the image at this post you can see one of my typical menus: Macarroni carbonara with as anchovies over artichokes as starter, all accompanied by malta bread.

200 gr bacon
1 small onion
400-500 ml cream
Black pepper
Olive oil


At the same time that you cook the sauce start boiling the water and prepare your chosen pasta type in order you finish the sauce at the same time that the pasta is ready because carbonara sauce is really easy and fast to prepare. Chop up the onion into really small pieces the bacon. Fry the bacon in a saucepan with four spoons of olive oil until golden, add the onion and stir. When they are well cooked retire as much olive oil as possible from the pan and add slowly the cream stirring continuously and pinch of black pepper. Continue stiffing until the sauce changes from white to golden. Remember not to let the cream boils for more than a minute.


Add a clove of garlic to the onion to give the sauce a stronger flavour. I also recommend add mushrooms chopped up to the onions. And, of course, cheese, for instance parmesan. There are people who add one or two beaten eggs to the cream but I prefer this lighter version of the sauce.


The classic style is bacon, but I prefer using low fat bacon or other but low fat ingredient.


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